You people are thinking that- "oh god! she is addicted to modak's", Ha Ha, Actually I love modak's, and Ganesha chaturthi has come so I can't remember anything without these Modak's but I wanted to change the shape so I have used different mould, you can use same original mould of modak.
Ingredients :-
Semolina or Suji - 3 cups
Jaggery - 2 cups
Water as required
Cardamoms - 4-5
Ghee - 3 tbsp
Salt - little bit
Method :-
Heat ghee in a vessel, add coconut, jaggery- Keep stirring continuously on medium flame and make a sticky solution.
Roast Semolina in nonstick pan in low heat till it slightly turns brown.
add ghee,milk and sugar. Stir till mixture becomes sticky. Add salt little bit and take off from flame, cover it.
Make small balls of dough and roll it in round shape.
Put 1 tbsp of the above stuffing in the flat round dough and pack it by taking all the edges up giving it shape
like a cone on top.
Ready to serve.
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